I see evidence of a master builder in
your bed of cypress branches, your
pillow of interlaced swan feathers.
Sorrow has not hindered your craft.
Your eye threads the needle as the
waves rage, the salt of grief and the salt
of Aegean Sea. You know as well as
anyone that the darkest waters are the
Rest easy, o architect, for a life is the
longest thing any of us will experience,
and know your offerings are received by
those who long to be as lucky as your
son. The new day will greet you even if
your heart weeps that the sun shines in
vain, and when it does shine, gather
your tools, heavy as they are, and keep
building your life stone by stone. I will
keep the invading armies at bay; all you
need are your wings.
Derek Godin is a writer based in Montreal. He is the co-founder and co-editor of the film criticism website Dim the House Lights, a graduate of Concordia University’s MA Film Studies program, and a two-time WWE Intercontinental Champion (only two of these are true).